Hr assessment

grow your business with HR

compliance & BEST practices

The MAIN purpose of our exclusive HR Assessment is to recognize strengths and identify areas of improvement in the Human Resources function. If you have an HR department or no HR at all, an external, neutral review is the best way to review the current state of the HR function.

We will identify compliance issues, systemic problems and best practices through an extensive audit of your HR function. Next, we will provide a roadmap and be your GUIDE on how to fix these areas so you are compliant and ready to grow your business!

Our proprietary HR Assessment will review, in depth, the following core areas:

  • HR Management Practices

  • Compensation and Benefits

  • Employee Classification

  • Employee Relations 

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Training & Development 

  • Safety & Health 

Through finding and fixing violations, we save employers, on average, $80,000 in potential fines. If you factor in potential lawsuits, the savings may climb to a few hundred thousand dollars.

Typical violations found through our HR Assessment:

  • Wage and hour

  • Meal and rest period

  • I-9 and personnel files

  • Incorrect timekeeping methods

  • Employee status concerns (hourly, salary, independent contractors)

  • Missing required trainings and postings

  • and many, many more

The Results:

You will receive a COMPREHENSIVE report showing red flags, recommended best practices and a ROADMAP to build and maintain your HR infrastructure. We will prioritize the next steps for building a legally compliant HR function that will help your business grow.

Can you afford NOT to do an HR Assessment?